有无私人物品 Any personal stuff52生产区域有不需要的BOO或相关技术文件
Any excess BOO or related documents in production area.53有无与当前生产产品无关的物料、如螺钉、标签等
Any other unnecessary material.54有无与当前生产产品无关的工装、工具、如螺丝刀头、胶台等Any other unnecessary fixtures or tools.55有无必需但多余的工装、工具、如多余的螺丝刀、手套、静电手环等Any necessary fixtures or tools but more than needed.56测试柜里有无多余的物品Any unnecessary things in testing cabinet.57BOO是否放置在对应工位的规定位置
If BOO is in correct position.58红、黄、蓝三种盒子是否正确使用
If boxes with different color are used correctly.59垃圾桶、椅子是否放在规定的位置If chairs and ash-bins are in the right position.510工作区域内的托盘、纸箱、物料等是否放置整齐有序
If pallets, carton, material, etc. are put in order in working area.511表面容易划伤的物料及半成品是否裸露或堆叠放置Components that would easily get hurt should not be put nakedly or piled up512纸板、木隔板、木块等是否整齐放置于托盘上
If cardboards, boards and wood blocks are put on pallets in order.513是否衣着符合车间要求、静电服Whether the dressmatch our
If aisles are blocked by items.515地面是否干净、无杂物、零件或纸屑If the floor is clean, no paper, screw or litter.516工作台面、零件、产品、设施等清洁
The working table, articles and facilities are clean.517有无按要求放置与填写首件报告If fill in First Piece Off Inspection Report.518产线有无按要求填写防静电与测试机的相关报告519有无按要求将BOO归还
If return BOO according to the rule.320是否佩戴员工卡和穿工作服
If wear ID card and uniform, not dirty of uniform.221员工是否有按正确要求做好静电防护5其它OtherTotal合计