一、人员/ 作业 (operation)
1.作业站是否有相对应的WI? 是否按WI作业.
Is the correspondig WI in the operation station? operator working follow WI?
Are operator own certificate and this certificate is eligible?
四、印刷 (Printer)
1. 锡膏厂牌、规格符合要求或 WI ? (厂牌、规格)
Is the solder paste vendor match customer request?
Taking out of solder paste/opening and using accord to demands ( 记录编号、开启时间)
Is printing prameter accord to Parameter List?
4. 锡膏厚度量测绘制Xbar-R Chart 是否正常 ?
Is the Xbar-R chart of solder paste thickness show normal?
5.印刷品质是否符合标准要求. ( 5 PCS/2H)
Is the printing quality up to criteria's par.?
五、A级材料 (A level material)
1.防潮柜温湿度记录.( 温度/湿度)
Temperature and Humidity record.
Whether the component in dry oven storaged marked ?
六、贴片机 (Placer machines)
Is the material and program accord with respective model's Material List?
Is the operation of exchanging material accord to WI?
IC direction feed as cutline.
4.BIOS及Flash 的版本或分位的确认( CS或标示 )
Verify BIOS and Flash IC version or F/W.
5.贴片后位置方向是否符合标准.( 5PCS/2H )
Is the component location accord with criteria?